Deep Shadow Spirit Reading


Go behind the psychic veil to reveal hidden enemies, energies and backstories affecting you now.


The shadow side is the darker element of being, not the negative one. It is a more peripheral energy within our personal and higher spheres and yet regularly interacts with both our spirit and the world around us. It therefore carries its own power and influence. As with all energy fields, it is also receptive and sensitive to external energies, something which makes it susceptible to interference.

As with all elements of being, balance is key. More often one is led to believe that we concentrate on balancing that which we believe is positive. In doing so, we tend to forget about personal polarity and so neglect the shadow side.

This spirit reading engages your shadow energies to reveal unseen and unknown challenges currently affecting your energy and progress. It is ideal if you feel out of sorts, affected by specific individuals, or sense any form of psychic or spirit intrusion.