Extra Special Angelic Pact Castings – See Options


The calling to the divine power and purity of exalted beings to enlighten, transform and align your own being with your desires.


These rituals are very special. Angelic energy remains a profound reserve of divine potency and expert application. These incredible rituals bridge a unique divide between the physical and the exalted.

Angels orbit our physical sphere and posses the ability to intervene in both our hour of need and at times which define our sense of physical being.  Cast for your highest good, this is your opportunity to channel this supreme power to make a significant difference to every endeavour.

Choose from the following rituals:

  1. Working with Angel Sabriel for brilliant success and brilliant ideas
  2. Working with Angel Rachiel for all loving relationships
  3. Working with Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael – for safety, divine guidance and healing
  4. Working with Angel Haniel to attract new love in to your life
  5. Working with Angel Othias to bring unexpected windfalls or treasure in to your life
  6. Working with Angel Osgaebial who is a messenger angel followed by a host of other angels, to track down a lost friend, family member or love interest who is still in your thoughts
  7. Working with Angel Chur – a Sun angel who drives a chariot of gold – to bring clarity back in to your life and make sure you get the credit you deserve
  8. Working with Angel Dalquiel – an angel of illumination who will help you solve an outstanding problem by opening a door previously closed to you
  9. Working with Angel Kutiel – to understand what is going on behind the scenes in your life, particularly where a work situation is concerned
  10. Working with Angel Kakabel – an angel of the constellations, to influence the cosmic energies in your favour
  11. Working with the Night Angels from the Dark Side of the Moon – to uncover your shadows and probe in to intrigue or anything casting a shadow over your life
  12. Custom angel casting – for anything not mentioned here – I will pick the appropriate angel to work with for you

Please specify which ritual(s) you desire in the order notes box at checkout and adjust the quantity as required.