Formidable Green Ray Nature Ritual


Call upon the power and potency of the Nature Ray for growth and revitalisation and regeneration in all projects, practical, spiritual and emotional.


The Green Ray is the nature ray, connecting all natural forms of organic existence and entwines with their evolutionary growth.  Its energetic presence is therefore all around us in physical form.  Venturing into its spiritual essence, one immediately thinks of the Green Man, the Green Woman and Herne, the Hunter, to name but a few.  The spirits and entities of this enchanting world carry a unique, inspirational power that recalibrates and inspires.  That’s why a walk in nature really is beneficial – the scents and sounds soothe us, harmonise our energy and bring balance to our thoughts.  This is the healing of the green ray at work.

So, what happens when we supercharge that energy for a specific purpose, and perform the ritual in nature with such spirits?  A transformative healing and regenerative experience.  This is a ritual for psychological and emotional resets, a release from trauma, challenges and frustrations – the shedding of the etheric skin that is causing stagnation.  In a practical sense, it can therefore be applied in any and every situation which features such characteristics.

The ritual delivers complete renewal of your psychological and emotional energy, bringing freedom, inspiration and desire into perspective, aligning head and heart for realisation and revitalisation. Allow the natural force of the Green Ray to captivate and inspire you to make the very best of every situation you encounter.