Hawaiian Aumakua Ancestral Empowerment Spirit Spell


You will be repatriated, rejuvenated and empowered within your own personal soul sphere, generating profound self-awareness and unearthing the raw potential within conscious perception.


This spell is meticulously cast with the help of the ancient Hawaiian Spirits. In the Hawaiian creation chant – the Kumulipo – the spirits arrive from above into the universe via their own special puka, or portal.

The Hawaiians compare the subconscious mind to a fish. Fish generally come under the rule of Ku, God of the subconscious. The land animals are often under the rule of Lono, and birds, which represent the Higher Self, are under the jurisdiction of the god Kane.

This deeply spiritual casting is one of realignment and empowerment. It helps to forge and galvanise roots within your ancestral essence, aligning them with your higher self to establish a psychic link through which you my harness the raw power of self.

This process is particularly suited to those seeking spiritual self discovery, inner awakening, enhanced psychic attunement and greater conscious awareness of the self as an interactive component in all forms of being.