Introspection Psychic Reading


Reveal the Demons and Angels of the psyche to uncover and master your hidden emotions in any situation or circumstance.


This psychic reading allows you to explore the depth of your conscious and subconscious emotions to understand their meanings. Through this process you will gain insight into developing emotional awareness, enlightenment and resilience both now and in the future.

The reading will explore your inner landscape through a series of attuned introspective references to the light and dark – Angels and Demons. These are not ‘antagonistic’ opposites as, paradoxically, it is the constant drive from these forces towards union which generates the creative energy that give our lives meaning. We all posses a dual nature with different attributes from both spheres being more prevalent at one time or another depending on our personal circumstances.

The reading can be done from a general standpoint though it is equally suitable should you wish to discover and master any hidden emotions currently being triggered by a specific person or situation.