Kundalini Divine Serpent Fire Energy Attunement


This unique attunement defines every element of your being to facilitate the alignment and awakening of the entire perception of existence for complete self fulfilment.


This ritual works with the energies of the Kundalini which in Hindu spiritual doctrines is a serpent that lay coiled at the base of the spine. It is a supremely potent attunement, centric to achieving divine inner awakening and enlightenment of the conscious creative soul that resides within the spiritual self.

This is a process of self discovery, evaluation and realisation of the core essence of being, touching base with the latent concept of existence and evoking its profound energy for personal experience.

The purpose of the ritual is to achieve full-spectrum alignment within mind, body and soul – the true definition of existence. The awakening of the serpent disperses through every element of being, filtering the meaning of you into your consciousness and ultimately defining an enriched execution of self in every worldly pursuit.