Multi-Level Psychic Boundary And Protective Shield Spell


Working with every element of your being, this spell delivers a complete protective solution to keep ill-intent and malevolent energies at a safe distance, both consciously and psychically.


This multi-tiered protection spell works specifically to create a psychic shield that radiates through all levels of your existence. The ritual process forms an impenetrable boundary against conscious and subconscious malevolence from others, psychic attacks and psychic vampirism.

We typically experience threats to our multifaceted sense of wellbeing through physical or emotional encroachment and psychic vibrations. We may be aware of some sources, such as people with whom we feel ill at ease, and be oblivious to the more subtle forces that leave us feeling energetically compromised and debilitated.

This spell engages your conscious self, emotional self, higher self and your soul essence to primarily realign their energetic frequencies. This generates a protective ‘spine’ that links in to your core being. These elements are then ritually enveloped within a vortex of pure radiant energy, as summoned from the uppermost echelons of the astral realms.