Multi-Purpose Extra Strong Coven Cast Binding Spells – See Options


A tried and trusted magick of the ages, the powerful craft of binding is here to serve you in a multitude of endeavors, be they desire, opportunity or obstacle.


A ritual of purpose and desired action or outcome, a means to bestow, and a means to protect.  The potency and diversity of binding magick affords it a rich cultural history.  Be it ancient or cunning, the craft and means facilitate the same effect – to bind or assume the power of influence, connection or where for the greater good, restriction.  These are ethically-cast spells intended to reflect your best interests.

The list of currently available rituals is as follows:

  1. Bind an enemy or troublesome person – tie them up in knots
  2. Bind romance to you – bring some strong love in to your life
  3. Bind success and very positive outcomes to come to you
  4. Bind a winning streak to you
  5. Bind emotional rescue to you and make people care about you
  6. Bind your negative emotions or those of other people – keep them at bay
  7. Bind your soul to another soul
  8. Bind your (or someone else’s) bad past – don’t let it affect your present life
  9. Bind career and job success to you
  10. Bind financial success to you
  11. Bind strong protection to you
  12. Bind health, happiness and contentment to you
  13. Bind self-care and self-love to you
  14. Bind discontent and disharmony – send them away
  15. Bind beauty and attractiveness to you
  16. Temporarily bind a willing good spirit to you to help you navigate a crisis or drama
  17. Bind the ability to study and do well in examinations to you
  18. Bind good, solid, new friendships to you

Please specify which ritual(s) you desire in the order notes box at checkout and adjust the quantity as required.