Past Life Astrology Psychic Reading


In your past lifetimes, you will have been born under a number of different birth signs.  This astro-psychic reading explores and reveals the undulating energies that both challenge and define you as you discover your truest sense of being and best version of yourself in the present.


This unique past-life psychic reading ventures beyond the realms of previous incarnations to explore their astrological influences and how these affect elements of your life, personality and interactions in today’s world.

This astro-psyhcic investigation will focus on the two most prominent past lives with which your current incarnation is most energetically entwined at present time.  It will reveal your birth sign, gender and the prominent characteristics of your personas.  Your evolutionary cycle will then be considered in order to deliver new perspective and understanding of the self as you are now.

This process will ultimately define the challenges and opportunities that will come your way, provide deep understanding on your sense of self, and ultimately define your awareness and alignment to make the best of yourself in this life.

To complete the reading, I will need your name and date of birth in the first instance. Place and time of birth are helpful but not essential as I work from a spiritual platform.