*SEASONAL SPECIAL* Powerful Lammas/Lughnasadh Spell of Abundance and Reward


Lammas (Loaf Mass) or Lughnasadh – named after the Celtic God of Light, Lugh – celebrates the first Harvest Festival of the year on August 1, 2024.  This spell is to bring you a wonderful bounty and harvest of your own, where and when you need it most.


The Lammas/Lughnasadh spell is tailored to set you on the right track and to cast away shadows and darkness from around you. It will bring positive and protective energies your way as well as abundance at all levels and will help you will reap your own harvest.  If you have felt lost or unsure or you need an extra boost of positivity and protective forces to get your engines fired up and remove apathy and loss of direction then this spell will help you to get the very most out of the life you have now in all ways.