Supreme Cosmic Awakening Ritual With The Power Of Dragons, Werewolves, Gargoyles Or Vampires


A unique ritual aligning to the energy of a powerful yet benign spirit ally to rediscover your energetic blueprint in transforming your conscious outlook.


This spiritually-driven ritual is designed to engage spirit energy to defragment and reorder your energetic self. This process brings a cosmic awakening through which your conscious being achieves a sense of complete all-one-ness, intuitively and instinctively driving you forwards to achieve needs, wishes and desires.

This ritual traces the elements of your being that have separated due to the passage of time and the wear and tear of your emotional and spiritual journey. More than a tonic or remedy, this is about rediscovering and redefining the self in keeping with where you need to be to achieve your karmic goals and destiny checkpoints.

Once performed, a dynamic energy shift will increase your alertness, fuelling that intuition and instinct referred to earlier. The ritual will enhance your telepathic ability to pick up on the thoughts and feelings of others, thus allowing you to second guess those around you and remain in pole position in situations where you need to be on top form.

As a final point, the ritual also delivers a magnetic ability to draw to you the most beneficial allies in realising your potential.