The Fifteen Sisters – Extremely Potent Servitor Magick – See Options


The Fifteen Sisters Servitors are here to help you with any situation, changes or problems you may face or encounter. Nothing is too much for them!

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The Fifteen Sisters Servitors are all ritually empowered and each one can perform a different task for you on your behalf. These servitors are very magickal and are exceptionally powerful.

Choose from one to 15 of the numbered caricatures and let the servitor work on your behalf. You can request help from more than one servitor for separate matters, as required.

  • Card One – For vivid dreams, plus signs from Spirit and heightened spiritual awareness.
  • Card Two – For finding out secrets or what another person is really up to. Uncovering the truth.
  • Card Three – For being stealthy in a situation where you need answers, or for confusion in love.
  • Card Four – For beauty, attraction, glamour and looking your very best.
  • Card Five – For success with careers and career prospects.
  • Card Six – For fighting off enemies, rivals and anyone else who gets in your way.
  • Card Seven – For meeting new people, new romantic prospects, new business contacts or getting out of a rut.
  • Card Eight – For extra super confidence, and for making people listen to you and taking notice of you.
  • Card Nine – The ‘I am coming to get you card’ – kick rivals down the drain.
  • Card Ten – The ‘I am very powerful card’ – attract wealth and riches.
  • Card Eleven – The All-Seeing Eye – for extreme psychic visions and perception – also for finding out the real truth in all kinds of situations.
  • Card Twelve – Sends good will and energy healing to humans or pets -state who it is for.
  • Card Thirteen – The ‘I will watch over you card’ – for a loving caring energy looking after you.
  • Card Fourteen – The ‘Goldmine’ card – for anything you need it to do or for customised requests.*
  • Card Fifteen – The innovation card – for new ideas, breaking down barriers, being admired, being a bigger, brighter and better version of your original self.

*If you have a custom request for anything not mentioned here, please select Card Fourteen.