The Ultimate Revenge and Retribution Three Spirit Vessel


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Dastardly Dark Side Of The Moon Super Revenge Vampire – Get Your Own Back With The Help Of This Very Extreme Vampire

This particular entity is very loyal to his keeper but he doesn’t care what he does to others – he is totally bad and enjoys being like that. He gets great pleasure from causing a ruckus and making life extremely difficult for those he hates. He doesn’t mess about and he does not try to be pleasant about it – being nice is for weaklings in his book – he wreaks havoc on those he is set on and is just plain old fashioned nasty to them.

Return To Sender Vampire Warlord Spirit – Returns Bad Deed Back To Their Source – Use Against Anyone Who Has Blighted Or Slighted You

This very powerful spirit is a man with a mission – that mission is to hoist all of the trash dumped on you by others right back at their door. The spirt causes bad smells to erupt and he is able to cause nasty psychic body odor like rotten eggs, rotten fish or Sulphur. He will dump the stink they tried to cause his Keeper right back on them – literally. By degrees targets will start smelling sweatier and it will go on from there. You can call this spirit off at any time. He sends bad deeds right back to their source – with some added extras!

Prana Drinking Tsunami Spirit – Drains The Aura Of Rivals And Enemies

This spirit gathers up prana or psychic energy from targets and drains them with the force of a Tsunami. He enjoys a good old drink from their psychic nectar and when possible will take a good glug. Send him to a target and see them droop like an old flower – not so springy after all. He will smash their aura defences no matter how protected they are and get to their core so he can enjoy the delights of their fresh energy. They will be left with a dark, dingy and droopy aura that is as open as an old sponge.