Two-Day ‘Over-Shadow’ Removal Ritual


This extended ritual removes any over-shadow currently maligning your physical environment or interfering with your spiritual being.


Overshadowing refers to a living person, a spirit, or an entity casting their shadow over you and stealing your light.  Such beings typically act as a ‘cuckoo’ and ultimately assume what is yours, using you energy and draining your endeavour. They interfere with your life, either subtly or blatantly, make you feel displaced and unsure of yourself.

The scenarios for this phenomenon are vast and can relate to you in any way.  The overshadow can primarily sap your confidence, morale and motivation, invading your mind and sense of spiritual being.  In extreme cases, they may seek to assume your physical vessel.

In more practical domains, an over-shadow typically works to consume elements of your domestic and professional life, feeding on your happiness and well being as a means to fuel their own desires.  For example, they may look to take your job, compromise your opportunities, steal your partner and even your family, and proactively work to turn those closest against you.  They cannot be underestimated owing to their leech-like nature and persistence.

This powerful ritual relentlessly rips in to over-shadows of all kinds. It grapples with them, it wrestles with them, and it pulls them out at the root, removing their nasty, parasitic weeds from your life once and for all.